
The Ultimate Rice Purity Test: Are You as Innocent as You Think?

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The Rice Purity Test is a voluntary survey that is designed to assess a person’s level of “purity” or innocence in various areas of life, such as sex, drugs, and alcohol. The test consists of a series of questions that are designed to gauge how much experience or exposure a person has had in different areas.

Rice Purity Test
Rice Purity Test

Purpose of the Rice Purity Test:

The purpose of the Rice Purity Test score is to provide a self-assessment of one’s life experiences and determine how much of an “innocent” or “experienced” person they are. The test covers a range of topics and categories, including relationships, drugs, alcohol, and more. The test aims to help people gain a better understanding of themselves and their experiences.

Popularity Among College Students:

The Rice Purity Test is particularly popular among college students, who often take the test to bond with each other and compare experiences. It’s a fun way for students to learn more about each other and share stories about their lives. The test is also seen as a way to show off how “pure” or “experienced” one is in various areas of life.

Popularity on the Internet:

In recent years, the Purity Test has become popular on the internet, particularly on social media platforms. People share their test scores with their friends and followers, and it has become a trend to compare scores with others. The test has also been adapted to fit different demographics, such as high school students, adults, and more.

The Origins of the Rice Purity Test:

The Rice Purity Test was first created by Rice University students in the 1980s as a way to bond and compare experiences with each other. The original purpose of the test was to see who was the “purest” or most innocent among them. The test consisted of a list of questions that covered a range of topics such as alcohol, drugs, and sexual experiences.

The test became popular among the students, and it soon spread to other universities and colleges. Over time, the test evolved to include additional categories and questions. Some versions of the test even include questions about social media and technology use.

Rice University Students and the Test:

Rice University students played a significant role in creating and popularizing the Rice Purity Test. The test was first developed as a way for students to bond with each other and share experiences. It was initially circulated among the student body as a printed document, but it soon became a popular tradition among the students.

Today, the Rice Purity Test is still popular among Rice University students, and the university even hosts an annual event where students take the test together. The test has also gained popularity on the internet, with various versions of the test available online.

Taking the Rice Purity Test:

The Purity Test Rice, is a voluntary self-assessment test that can be taken online or on paper. The test consists of a series of questions that cover a range of topics, such as sex, drugs, alcohol, and relationships. The purpose of the test is to assess one’s level of “purity” or innocence in different areas of life.

What it consists of:

The test consists of 100 questions, each with a “Yes” or “No” response. The questions are grouped into different categories, such as alcohol, drugs, sexuality, relationships, and more. Some versions of the test may also include questions about technology use, social media, and other areas.

Rice Purity Test Questions
Rice Purity Test Questions

The different categories and questions included in the test:

  1. Alcohol: This category includes questions about drinking, such as “Have you ever had a drink of alcohol?” and “Have you ever been drunk?”
  2. Drugs: This category includes questions about drug use, such as “Have you ever tried marijuana?” and “Have you ever used a hallucinogen?”
  3. Sexuality: This category includes questions about sexual experiences, such as “Have you ever had sex?” and “Have you ever engaged in sexual activity with someone of the same gender?”
  4. Relationships: This category includes questions about relationships, such as “Have you ever been in a serious relationship?” and “Have you ever cheated on a partner?”
  5. Risky Behavior: This category includes questions about risky behaviors, such as “Have you ever driven while intoxicated?” and “Have you ever had unprotected sex?”
  6. Criminal Activity: This category includes questions about criminal activity, such as “Have you ever shoplifted?” and “Have you ever been arrested?”

The questions in each category are designed to gauge how much experience or exposure a person has had in different areas. The test score is calculated based on the number of “No” responses a person gives. The higher the score, the “purer” or more innocent a person is deemed to be.

What the Results of the Rice Purity Test Mean:

The results of the Rice Purity Test are based on a person’s responses to 100 questions. The score is calculated by counting the number of “No” responses a person gives, with a higher score indicating a greater level of “purity” or innocence.

Rice Purity Test Score
Rice Purity Test Score

Interpreting the results:

While the results of the Rice Purity Test score can provide insight into a person’s experiences and level of innocence, it’s important to keep in mind that the test is not a measure of a person’s character or worth. The test simply reflects a person’s exposure to certain experiences and activities. A high score does not necessarily mean a person is “better” or “more moral” than someone with a lower score.

Limitations of the test:

There are several limitations to the Rice Purity Test. First, the test is self-reported, which means that the accuracy of the results depends on the honesty of the person taking the test. Second, the test is limited to the experiences and activities that are covered by the questions, and there may be other factors that contribute to a person’s level of “purity” or innocence that are not covered by the test.

Validity of the test:

While the Rice Purity Test score is not a scientific or validated measure of a person’s character or worth, it can provide insights into a person’s life experiences and exposure to certain activities. The test can be a useful tool for self-assessment and reflection, and it can also be a fun activity for groups of friends or college students.

Criticisms and Controversies Surrounding the Rice Purity Test:

The Rice Purity Test has been criticized for a number of reasons, including concerns about its potential to shame or stigmatize people who have had more experiences or exposure in certain areas. For example, a person who scores low on the test may feel judged or ostracized by their peers, while a person who scores high may feel pressure to maintain their “purity” or innocence.

Another criticism of the Rice Purity Test is its gender and sexuality bias. The test is based on a heteronormative view of sexuality, with questions that assume a binary gender system and a focus on sexual activity that may not be relevant or applicable to all individuals. This can lead to feelings of exclusion or invalidation for people who identify as LGBTQ+ or who do not fit into traditional gender categories.

Critics of the Rice Purity Test argue that the test reinforces harmful societal norms and expectations around gender and sexuality, and that it can be a tool for perpetuating shame and stigma around certain experiences or behaviors. They also point out that the test does not take into account the context or circumstances of a person’s experiences, and that it may not accurately reflect a person’s values or beliefs.

In response to these criticisms, some people have created alternative versions of the Rice Purity Test that are more inclusive and diverse, with questions that reflect a wider range of experiences and perspectives. These tests aim to promote self-reflection and awareness without perpetuating harmful stereotypes or stigmatizing certain behaviors or identities.


Rice Purity Test has become a popular tool for college students to reflect on their experiences and level of “purity” or innocence. The test originated at Rice University and has evolved over time to include a wide range of categories and questions. While the test can be a fun way to engage in self-reflection, it has also been criticized for its potential to shame or stigmatize people who have had different life experiences, as well as for its gender and sexuality bias.

It’s important to approach the Rice Purity Test with a critical and reflective mindset, and to be aware of its limitations and potential impact. While the test can offer insight into one’s experiences and values, it should not be used as a measure of a person’s worth or character. Ultimately, the significance and impact of the Rice Purity Test on college culture and the internet lies in its ability to foster conversation and reflection around issues of identity, values, and life experiences.

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